The United Kingdom is located in Europe. It is on the Northwestern coast of the mainland of Europe. The UK is made up of the island of Great Britain, north-eastern Ireland, and smaller islands of the British Isles. It contains England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. 

The UK has a total area of about 94,060 square miles. In 2022, the population of the US was 66.97 million.

A Natural Hazard is a natural process, such as a tornado or earthquake that is potentially a threat to human life or property. 
A Disaster is an event that is considered hazardous that happens in a defined area, in a certain time span. It must involve greater than 10 deaths, affect over 100 people, be considered a state of emergency, and need international assistance. 
A Catastrophe is a large disaster that takes multiple years to recover from and requires a large amount of money to be spent. 


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